Amphetamines, common street names include Bennies, Crank, Ice, Speed, and Uppers, are stimulants that accelerate the body's system. Initially used to treat nasal congestion and later prescribed for narcolepsy and ADHD, their abuse has spread widely. These drugs can be taken orally, injected, or smoked. Common prescription amphetamines include Adderall®, Dexedrine®, Vyvanse™, and Desoxyn®. Amphetamines affect the mind similarly to cocaine but have slower onset and longer duration. Chronic abuse can lead to schizophrenia-like psychosis with paranoia, skin picking, hallucinations, and erratic behavior. Physical effects include increased blood pressure, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Overdose can cause agitation, hallucinations, convulsions, and death. Many amphetamines are Schedule II stimulants, meaning they have a high potential for abuse but also an accepted medical use.
Amphetamines are powerful stimulants that can have severe consequences. Knowing their street names can help you recognize and avoid them: - Bennies - Black Beauties - Crank - Ice - Speed - Uppers
Abuse of Amphetamines: Beyond the Pill Amphetamines are powerful stimulants that can have severe consequences when abused. Initially prescribed for medical purposes, amphetamines have found their way into the illicit drug market, with devastating effects. This article explores the dangers of amphetamine abuse, shedding light on their effects on the mind, body, and society. From their history and street names to their forms and methods of abuse, we delve into the complexities of this ongoing crisis. Stay informed and join the fight against amphetamine abuse.
Amphetamines, a class of stimulants, were initially developed for medical purposes. However, their abuse has become a serious issue. Their effects include increased blood pressure and pulse rates, insomnia, loss of appetite, physical exhaustion, and, in severe cases, overdose and death. They can also induce a state of psychosis, resembling schizophrenia, with symptoms like paranoia, hallucinations, and erratic behavior. Understanding the harmful effects of amphetamines is essential for combating the opioid crisis and promoting public health.
Amphetamines, commonly known as speed, ice, or uppers, are stimulants that accelerate the body's systems. While some are prescribed for conditions like ADHD, the abuse of clandestinely produced amphetamines has spread widely. Common street names include Bennies, Black Beauties, and Crank. Abuse can lead to severe health consequences, including overdose. Recognize the signs and risks to protect yourself and others from the dangers of amphetamine abuse.
Similar drugs to amphetamines, such as cocaine, crack, and khat, also act as stimulants, producing comparable effects and potentially leading to abuse and overdose. Understanding the similarities and differences among these substances is crucial in addressing the opioid crisis and developing effective prevention and treatment strategies.